Mylot account vanishes after indian government job for sex racket, online, banking fraud is exposed

Though the indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are making millions of dollars in profit, they are ruthless in their financial, online fraud, government SLAVERY on small online business owners like the domain investor since 2010 using FAKE RUMORS, SLANDER, CYBERCRIME to steal data for making fake claims about lazy greedy fraud government employees like panaji goan bhandari raw employee call girl sunaina chodan, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, who do not spend any time online at all

While initially countries believed these shameless liar companies, government agencies, it is obvious that the government agencies, indian companies are SHAMELESS LIARS, openly involved in a domain ownership fraud since 2010. The extreme DISHONESTY, GREED, RUTHLESSNESS of the indian companies, government agencies in committing financial fraud on the single woman domain investor, while stealing all her leads and orders has made her famous though she is viciously slandered in india.
Since the domain investor has very less money due to scammer shivalli brahmins stealing all leads, orders, she cannot pay the domain renewal expenses, so she is looking for other work

Mylot was one of the few options available, yet since the domain investor is famous due to government fraud on her , members from indonesia, Syeh Firmansyah and a member from mombasa, Kenya trebor Ika followed her within a few days of joining
A powerful brahmin government employe j srinivasan hates the domain investor, his btech 1993 ee classmate from iit bombay, and has been stealing all her data to allegedly make fake claims about his SUGAR BABY, panaji goan bhandari raw employee call girl sunaina chodan to get her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor in a government JOB for SEX racket since 2012 which is causing great financial losses
The extremely selfish GREEDY government employees are rutheless in causing great financial losses to the domain investor they have CHEATED since 2010, and after they noticed that people worldwide were following the domain investor, they got the mylot account closed.

raw rewards it favorite FRAUD indore CYBERCRIMINAL raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena with skoda car for FAKING internetlifeforum account

SHAMELESS SCAMMER indore housewife raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena falsely claiming to own internetlifeforum account to become rich, purchase skoda car.
Indicating the extremely high levels of government CYBERCRIME in india, SHAMELESS SCAMMER indore housewife raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena falsely claiming to own internetlifeforum account to block access for the domain investor who spent her time, when indore fraud deepika/veena like other raw/cbi employees did not open the account and did not post on the account spending her time,
The indian government, raw/cbi, tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata were aware that their favorite FRAUD SHAMELESS SCAMMER indore housewife raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena was only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband mahesh, she never did any computer work at all.
Yet showing how shameless and ruthless the tech and internet companies are in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING the hardworking single woman domain investor who legally opened the account, the government agencies falsely claimed that their favorite FRAUD SHAMELESS SCAMMER indore housewife raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena who did not spend any time, owned the forum account, to make the indore fraudster very rich
While the real domain investor is making very less money despite working long hours ,government agencies favorite FRAUD SHAMELESS SCAMMER indore housewife raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena is becoming even richer for faking forum account, domain ownership
It appears that raw rewarded its favorite FRAUD SHAMELESS SCAMMER indore housewife raw employee bespectacled housewife deepika/veena with skoda car for FAKING internetlifeforum account,though raw was aware that the shameless indore fraud did not open the account and did not post

Indian forum poster jaspr becomes notorious for milking all forum owners

Though some of the richest people in the world are from india, there are almost no indian paid to post forums.
Indians have become very aggressive in posting on all PTP forums, sinces indian tech, internet companies do not allow them to make much money online.
In one forum, the forum owner was forced to enforce forum posting limit, and complained that jaspr was milking on other forums
Now after making a payment to jaspr another forum owner has imposed forum posting limits,only 15 new threads and 15 new posts daily will be paid at the higher rates.

Thai domain investor wot again being harassed with fake offers from indian buyers for exposing casting couch

Like the job for sex racket in Andaman, there is a casting couch in the indian internet sector, with jobs reserved for lazy greedy young women who sleep with powerful government officials. The indian tech and internet companies are the top supporters of the casting couch, and have ensured that the mainstream media does not cover the casting couch. Only the thai domain investor wot had mentioned the casting couch on namepros several years ago,which the domain investor had quoted.

It appears that some very powerful official is extremely upset that the casting couch is exposed, and they are harassing the thai domain investor wot sending fake offers for domains, this is his complaint from dnforum.

Yet another non payer from India, seems to be a national pastime!

Himani Bhatt – – +917417498xxx

IP Address:

Some paid to post Forums not paying or not accessible

It appears that a large number of paid to post forums were started in May, June 2022
Some of the forums like and were paying their members initially
However after some months they disappeared or the admin of the forum cannot be contacted.
So all the time spent posting on the forum is wasted
Instead of wasting time posting, it is better to update the websites regularly

Forum payment indicates that people outside india, countries are aware of government online, financial, domain ownership fraud on domain investor, private citizen

Though government agencies, tech and internet companies continue with their great online fraud of falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees with no online income, no domain investment are online experts, it appears after the domain investor has wasted 7-8 years complaining, people outside india have realized that she is telling the truth and government agencies are slandering her
Since the tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata are extremly greedy and ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING the domain investor, the government refuses to end its domain ownership, financial fraud on the domain investor, who is struggling to pay the domain renewal expenses since the indian government falsely claims that its well paid employees especially the btech 1993 ee classmates from iit bombay of the domain investor, who do not pay any money for domains,own this and other domains to waste taxpayer money paying monthly government salaries to the relatives and friends of top government employees like pune banking fraudster bank manager nikhil premchandani
So to make a little money and pay for domain renewals, the domain investor is posting on forums since the forum owners pay a small amount for the work, unlike the extremely greedy ROBBER indian tech and internet companies, government employees who will not even pay a rupee despite ROBBING all the data for 12 years
The domain investor used the email for asking for payment, she rarely uses her useful email id, yet showing that though the government agencies are extremely ruthless in slandering her, it appears that the intelligence agencies have realized that only one person is doing all the writing , website management work and the payment was received at the email id.
So it is time that the top greedy government employees getting an excellent monthly salary with dearness allowance and pension end their great financial, online fraud on the domain investor,a private citizen, who they slander, hate, since others have realized that she is telling the truth, regarding domain ownership and the government is being extremely dishonest in making fake claims about domain ownership to falsely give greedy gurugram optum manager fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree,only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, credit, monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, single woman engineer.

No one in India interested in forum posting showing how ruthless government agencies, internet companies are in their identity theft racket

Forum posting is paying very less, usually $0.01 or $0.015 per post, and most people in india with good internet, computer and english skills, can get better paying opportuniies and work even if they are working at home.
Yet showing how ruthles and greedy the indian internet companies, government agencies are in their identity theft racket, government SLAVERY on the single woman engineer, domain investor, that they are not allowing her to get any paid work in India at all, and from other countries also, diverting and stealing all her emails. The government agencies are also falsely claiming that fraud employees who do no writing work, own the iwriter account
So though the domain investor is well trained, hardworking, skilled forum posting is the only paid work which is available to her if she works at home. This show the ruthlessness and brutality of the government resume theft racket on single woman engineers with a good JEE rank, if they do not agree to identity theft, and wish to work at home, they will only get forum posting work which almost no one else in india is interested in.,

Now the rich and powerful communities, officials do not want the government slavery, resume theft victim to complain on forums

Supported by the indian tech and internet companies, rich and powerful communities, officials were extremely ruthless in their financial fraud, government slavery and slander of the goa 1989 jee topper,single woman engineer, ensuring that she did not get any paid work in india, and using her stolen resume to get government jobs for their lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends .
Now they have even blocked the writing work on iwriter, so the domain investor is posting on forums, telling people about how the government, indian tech and internet sector works, blindly believing the lies of the rich and powerful while all the complaints of the government slavery, resume theft victim are ignored.
It appears that the rich and powerful are also extremely image conscious, so they do not want the government slavery, resume theft victim to complain online. On one forum with an indian moderator, the person told her directly that she should not post negative information
yet when the fraud of the well paid government employees is causing great losses, why should the domain investor not post her complaints, when all other citizens including goan bhandari domain fraudster raw employee sunaina chodan are complaining when they lose a small amount of Rs 355 due to online fraud
In another forum, the internet connection was blocked when the domain investor posted her complaint about the atrocities of the rich and powerful

Forum referrals of the domain investor are being stolen by government agencies and diverted to their associates like ginge

Though india is officially celebrating the 75th anniversary of independence from the british, some domain investors, online exporters, engineers continue with their lonely struggle against one of the greatest government SLAVERY, cybercrime, financial fraud racket, educational frauds in the indian internet sector allegedly masterminded by google, tata

The karnataka intelligence agencies are ruthless in their financial fraud, government SLAVERY of the goa 1989 jee topper since they are getting huge bribes and profits, mercilessly cheating, exploiting and robbing her. In addition to stealing her resume to get bengaluru’s top brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree a raw job faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay, stealing all her leads,orders, so that she gets no paid work at all other than the small amount of iwriter work they are, continuing to do everything to cause great losses.
For example the domain investor has noticed that she is not getting any kind of referrals from forums, though she is advertising her website, and getting some visitors according to propellerads and other statistics, In contrast, she has got a large number of referrals from 2captcha and even one referral from the sms website, though the profile of the users is very similar
The domain investor now thinks that all her forum referrals are being diverted to ginge, who has got 17 referrals from one forum, despite not having any kind of website or other online presence.
It appears that it is more difficult for the karnataka government agencies to steal the sms program referrals, so they are doing everything they can to ensure that the promotion of the sms program is not attractive with ginge doing everything to belittle the program after it was advertised online.

Mika from Nepal banned on Beermoneyforum

One of the main problems with forum posting is that online content is closely controlled,and getting work does not depend on your writing skills. Beermoneyforum is one of the largest paid to post forums, yet it is only suitable for some members, others are banned without any reason. While the shivalli brahmin hiding behind bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, are controlling the content, and getting those who they hate banned to reduce their income, it appears that other forum posters are also not getting any work or have their account deleted

This post from Trendri is reposted for reference

VIP Contributor ยท From NP

I don’t doubt you and I trust your honest review, however, I will have to warn people who want to join this site or its sister site. The admin is a psycho. He bans anyone at his whim. I was once posted on Beer Forum. I made my first withdrawal of $2 via BTC. For my second withdrawal, I wanted to reach a higher payment, therefore, even when I had made $4 I continued posting, however, one day when I went to log into the site I found that I was banned. I tried to reach the support via the contact page but I could not use the contact page because it said I was banned and I cannot use any of its services. Can you imagine I could not even send a message to plead my case? The owner was on Forum Coin, where he was called Mr. B. Since I was posting on Forum Coin, I decided to ask Mr. B why I was banned. He said I was banned for “trash post.” I have made 3600 posts on this forum, can anyone charge me with trash posts. There are a lot of writers on this forum who were banned without any valid reasons.