Namepros member domain boy should not be trusted, extremely malicious reporting members, domain sellers

This is posted so that forum members, domain sellers are aware that Namepros member domain boy should not be trusted, extremely malicious reporting members if they do not sell domains to him at low prices.
Sometimes domain sellers will send more domains in the list to potential buyers hoping that the buyers will offer a higher price, or some times the sellers are contacting a large number of buyers, and copy paste their offer.
Yet indicating that some members like Namepros member domain boy are extremely malicious and should be avoided, he is reporting members if they do not sell the domain at a low price to him.
So before contacting Namepros member domain boy, domain sellers should be aware that he is extremely dishonest, malicious and ruthless in ruining the reputation of members reporting them at the slightest provocation.

Author: admin