Email extremely unreliable for getting orders online, forums only source of orders

NTRO is very systematic in stealing all the emails of a google competitor, whose resume, savings, memory and correspondence they have already stolen with a court order to get their relatives, friends, R&AW/cbi jobs so that their fraud will not be exposed.
So the domain investor does not rely on email marketing, as she will only provide these corrupt officials with more leads for sale, forums are the only source of leads and orders for the domain investor
In the last few years, the only source of orders have been forums or ad networks, there are no email orders

In contrast writers from other countries are getting a lot of high paying orders from clients, they are contacting using email . This is part of google, tata’s barter deal with ntro employees their lazy greedy relatives , sex partners nayanshree hathwar, sunaina, and others will get a monthly raw salary without doing any work online, at the expense of the google competitor if the section 420 fraud ntro employees steal all the correspondence of the google competitor making flimsy excuses since 2010.
The fraud google,tata employees are duping people that the goan sex workers, frauds are online experts as part of email theft deal with ntro employees

I Nearly Got in a Fight Last Weekend

I have known this guy since I was a freshman in high school and the guy has never been quite right, but he was always really smart in spite of that. At any rate the guy has a great job which he seems to hate, working in cybersecurity for a big bank. Of course I sort of wonder how he gets past the drug tests, because I know that he does a number of things that he should not. I have seen him buy diazepam with paypal on the web, which is the real name for valium if you did not know. Of course he needs that stuff so that he can sleep some time, because he takes a whole lot of adderall. He has a prescription for that, which is not so hard to get when you clearly have ADD or ADHD or whatever they call it. Continue reading “I Nearly Got in a Fight Last Weekend”

Malicious fake rumors used to sabotage domain sales of google competitor

The google competitor impersonated by 10 google, tata sponsored R&AW/cbi employees is trying to sell the domain names because she alone is paying all the domain renewal expenses, spending time managing the domain names, while the 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker , cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/cbi employees are getting a monthly indian government salary without spending any money or time MAKING FAKE CLAIMS of owning the domain names with the help of section 420 fraud ntro employees.

Selling the domains will at least ensure that the broke domain investor does not pay the renewal fees for another year while all those who cheated her enjoy with a government salary. However it appears that liar fraud ntro, tata, google employees, blocked another domain sale.

Till a few days ago, a buyer was very interested in purchasing the domain name, now suddenly he has cancelled the deal, probably misled by google,tata, ntro, raw, cbi employees, the associates of shivalli brahmin R&AW employee cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, who are involved in a banking, financial, paypal fraud, who are very good at making up fake malicious defamatory stories

We Have a Problem with Geese

At first the boss expected me and some other guys to do this job, but I had no clue how to get rid of this sort of nuisance and after doing a bit of research I started to think that this would be a risky thing to do without some knowledge. There are pretty obviously rules about”>Canada geese control in New Jersey and if you do not know what you are doing, then there is a chance that you might end up doing something kind of dumb and getting crosswise with the state of New Jersey. Continue reading “We Have a Problem with Geese”

One of the Hardest Conversations

I had to have one of the most difficult conversations I’ve ever had with my parents. My step mom was not going to survive her cancer, and she was in a lot of pain. She only had about two months left to live and she did not realize what was going on when we took her to the hospice center. I went with my dad, step mom, and her mom to the hospice center so she could look at what it was like there. We also tried to see a monuments dealer in Essex County NJ after the hospice visit. We did not make it to the dealer because we had a very hard time at the hospice center when we worked with the counselor. The counselor talks to you and determines what the best course of action is for you, they find out how long you have and what your condition and prognosis is. Continue reading “One of the Hardest Conversations”

Forums indicate rampant theft of emails in India

Recent a canadian .in domain investor said that he had received an email from Mitsu, regarding the domains which are currently under NIXI holding registrar
However an indian domain investor has not received the email, which was probably sent to all mitsu account holders
the indian domain investor had also not received an important email from NIXI earlier
This clearly indicates that ntro, indian security and intelligence employees are involved in large scale theft of emails of indian domain investors as part of their sex, bribery racket, financial fraud
These government employees are getting a very good salary, pension , yet there is no limit to their greed, as they shamelessly abuse their powers to steal the domains of harmless hardworking honest indian citizens.

Domain investors mostly communicate on forums

The NIXI Mitsu fiasco shows no sign of ending and the .in domain investors who have a large number of domain names are finding that they are not getting a proper response from NIXI, They are unable to transfer or renew their domain names, causing great problems.
Most of the domain investors are scattered world wide, and forums are the only way they can communicate
The NIXI employees are government employees getting a monthly salary, they do not realize the problems of domain investors who are private citizens and wish to sell or transfer the domain names.

We Had an Interesting Day in the Neighborhood

I would have definitely called a” Suffolk county tree service myself, but the guy across the street was convinced that he could do it himself. I did not know enough to tell him he was stupid, but his wife definitely did it for me. The guy was drinking beer and it looked as though the one he had was not the first one that had been in his hand that day. At any rate it probably ended up about as badly as it could have for him, because the tree fell half of the way to the ground and got stuck in another tree. This guy was drinking and he was dumb enough to have gotten in the mess, but he was not dumb enough to try to go on with the project after the chainsaw got stuck in the tree. Continue reading “We Had an Interesting Day in the Neighborhood”

Oak Tree Scraping Windows During Storm Was Creepy

We have a really big tree growing outside of our bedroom window. It is so big that I could almost just step out onto a branch thick enough to support my weight. Just below the window is a bent branch that curves away from the house back toward the yard. That curved part is as thick as my leg. When the other branches got big enough to start scraping the window during storms, I called a”>Nassau County tree pruning firm to trim that big tree. I did not even know what kind of tree it was until they told me. All I knew is that the sound of branches scraping your window in the middle of the night can really creep you out. Continue reading “Oak Tree Scraping Windows During Storm Was Creepy”

Most buyers are not willing to bid for domains on forum threads due to corporate espionage

Google deserves the Rs 136 crore CCI fine in India, because it is using extremely negative methods to destroy competition in India like making it very difficult for a link seller competing with google adwords to sell her domains at a fair price online, after blocking almost all ad sales.

All those who bid for the domains listed for sale and purchase the domain names , are threatened or their account is hacked, as google is allegedly paying the hackers directly or indirectly.

So for the last year, the google competitor finds that no buyer is bidding for the domains listed for sale, though prices are very low, causing further losses for the link seller, whose savings, resume have also been stolen without a legally valid reason by ntro employees