Author: dtadmin

Beermoneyforum quick in banning some members

Though beermoneyforum is the only paid to post forum which is ranked well in google, it is quick to ban some members
The domain investor had her account banned when she became a member and wasted her time posting on the forum
It appears that the domain investor is not the only person whose account is banned, there are others
Quoting Uimi from trendri
I have only used beermoneyforum since I started having interests in forums.But I had a bad experience with them.When I reached the minimum payout of two dollars whic I just achieved in 4 days,I got banned for no reason,contacted the admin and he did not reply me.

There are others who are also complaining that their beermoney account was banned,after they spent their time posting
This is posted to warn those who are interested in becoming members of a paid to post forum, they may have their account closed after wasting their time posting on the forum.

R&AW/CIA control moderators for most paid to post forums, member approval

Bizdustry is one of the most popular paid to post forums , and the forum admin announced that he was going to manually approve the members for paid posting.
He claimed that in the last few weeks a large number of members had registered who were writing low quality posts
The PTP forums have to be very careful because they are usually paying the members
The domain investor had registered on PTP forums to review them
On bizdustry only 4 posts were allowed, after which the admin or moderator did not approve them, and the domain investor did not post.
The same moderator allowed his friends making low quality posts and get approved for paid posting. The moderator may have a R&AW/cia link so they are not allowing those who cia/R&AW hate like the domain investor get any paid posting work. They are approving raw/cia stooges so that they get paid for posts, even if they are of low quality 30 words or less.
Only the website owner has to be very careful about the posts since he will pay a large amount to members making junk posts
In another forum, members are paid at the same rate only if their posts have 50 words, shorter posts are not paid, so the admin is reducing the forum expenses.
In another fraud of ntro/raw, they falsely claimed that goan scamer siddhi mandrekar was posting on forumcoin, when she did not spend any time at all.

For exposing government SLAVERY, financial fraud since 2010, R&AW gets posts on bizdustry forum disabled

Allegedly bribed by google, tata, indian internet companies, ntro/raw/cbi have been openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD, government SLAVERY of a single woman engineer, domain investor since 2010, falsely claiming that her savings, bank account, asstes and domains belong to the powerful well paid ntro/raw/cbi employees who HATE her, and have never helped her in any way at all to all the frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor.
When the domain investor is complaining on the websites she owns on the financial fraud which can be legally proved, raw/ntro/cbi are ensuring that she does not get any traffic for the websites. When the domain investor registered and posted on the forum bizdustry, raw and its associates have ensured that the post is not approved,
The domain investor had done more than 4 posts on the forum, only the first 4 were approved after which no posts are being approved, since raw is extremely aggressive in cover up its great financial fraud, government slavery since 2010, on a hardworking single woman domain investor who has no one to help or defend her against the lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi/google, tata employees

In a government SLAVERY RACKET which united nations, ILO should be aware of, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is falsely claiming that cheater, robber housewives cooking, cleaning for their crooked husbands, goan call girls like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, scammer students studying or enjoying and other google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees like mba hr ruchika kinge, gujju stock broker amita patel, who do not invest money in domains, own the domains, paypal, bank account of a private citizen.

Unlike ntro/raw/cbi which make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees, even forums paying $4-5 are verifying the members.

Unlike the indian government which falsely claims that call girls, school dropouts and other frauds who have no domain investment are domain investors, have online income to pay them monthly government salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, even online forums have a better verification system.
Since the iwriter work has greatly reduced as expected, the domain investor has some free time to check online forums, mainly for promotion of her websites .
Most of the online forums are asking new users to make at least 20 posts which they verify.
Only after the twenty posts are completed, members are getting paid to post
This exposes the massive fraud in the indian internet sector, with raw/cbi falsely claiming that their lazy greedy fraud employees, who do not spend any money on domains, do not have online income, own the domains, including this one, bank account, of the real domain investor.

No indian paid to post forum is popular since they pay using Paytm

Though indibloghub offers payment for posting it is only offering payment through paytm
Paytm is following the footsteps of google, tata in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, criminally defaming those who are actually doing computer work in india and falsely giving credit, getting monthly salaries for the lazy greedy google,tata sponsored relatives and friends of top officials like panaji’s top EXTORTIONIST greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, wife and daughter of greedy goan scammer security agency employee employees caro, nayak, goan bhandari sunaina chodan , siddhi mandrekar, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani
Though google, tata’s favorite robber, extortionist, robber riddhi nayak caro, like sindhi scammer naina is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, and like the greedy goan call girl raw employees sunaina chodan, siddhi, naina’s scammer sons karan, nikhil does not do any computer work, since google, tata are extremely ruthless in their government SLAVERY racket since 2010, the panaji scammer housewives riddhi, naina are getting monthly cbi salaries for faking computer work while their cheater LIAR husbands criminally defame the real domain investor, a hardworking single woman engineer, who has no one to help or defend against panaji shameless scammer cbi employees riddhi, naina, their greedy shameless fraud LIAR husbands who are criminally defaming her
So paytm believing in the lies of LIAR google, tata employees has disabled the paytm accout of the real domain investor and is repeating fraud tata employees fake propaganda about greedy goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro to bribe her FRAUD father nayak, husband cheater caro, working in goa security agencies when robber riddhi is not interested in doing any computer work for the last 9 years.

According to paypal community forums, auto withdrawl to indian bank account not working for some indian paypal account holders

Auto withdrawal to bank account not working for some indian paypal account holders since 22 May 2021
According to the postings on the Paypal community forums Auto withdrawal of balance not working for some indian paypal account holders since 22 May 2021 . Usually the balance in US $ or other currency is withdrawn on the day when it is received.
While currency rate could be one reason why the auto withdrawal is halted, it appears that the 11 year banking fraud on paypal account holders is also exposed, and the main beneficiaries who are friends and relatives of top ntro, raw, cbi employees have got the withdrawal blocked
Some of the paypal account holders who are complaining on the forum are
The domain investor usually receives payment every Wednesday from a writing website. The US$ payment is in the paypal account, yet the amount is not yet withdrawn to the indian bank account on 26 May 2021, or 27 May 2021 till 9 am
Other indians who are facing a similar problem, that their balance is not autowithdrawn to their indian bank account can contact on

Moneycontrol,hindu business line articles on greedy gujju R&AW employee amita patel, confirmed that she faked domain ownership only to get control on domain forums

The google,tata sponsored greedy gujju R&AW employee amita patel was least interested in investing money in domains since it is a very high risk business, it is difficult to make Rs 22 lakh in one day, like her architect student is doing for options trading
Yet from 2013 to 2021 the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel (like greedy goan bhandari sunaina chodan,siddhi mandrekar, robber riddhi nayak caro,ruchika kinge), allegedly with the help of her brahmin fraud boyfriend ntro employee mhow monster puneet, falsely claimed that she owned the domains of the goa 1989 jee topper,a single woman engineer, to get great powers and monthly salary though greedy gujju fraud amita patel did not pay for any of the domains or control them.
Specifically all the domain forums are controlled by the greedy gujju fraudster group hiding behind amita patel, making it difficult for the real domain investor to post on forums
The domain ownership fraud of raw employee amita patel was not exposed since top tech and internet companies allegedly google, tata were supporting and rewarding amita patel in her domain ownership fraud to help google destroy competition, make the engineer work for free, since the greedy tech and internet companies are extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING, hardworking older single women, who have no one to help or defend them against the liar tech, internet company, fraud rich and powerful communities like the scammer sindhi, gujju,goan gsb,shivalli brahmin, goan bhandari

After she got control of all the domain,online forums,faking domain ownership, the greedy gujju fraud amita patel, exposed that she was not interested and got a PR agency to promote her options trading in moneycontrol, hindu business line, without compensating the real domain investor who she ruthlessly CHEATED,EXPLOITED, for 8 years to get a very lucrative raw job only for making FAKE CLAIMS.

Though the R&AWjob has helped amita patel charge Rs 6 lakh per person for training, being extremely greedy,she refuses to compensate the single woman who she CHEATED, EXPLOITED for 8 years

Google’s domain ownership fraud in India is far worse than puneet agarwals’ dispute with brent oxley, yet any forum thread would get deleted.

Google’s open support for Rs one crore domain ownership fraud of mhow monster ntro employee puneet and others may have inspired puneet agarwal
One of the most popular threads on namepros is how the The founder of Hostgator Brent Oxley was planning to start a new webhosting company and his domains were locked by Godaddy due to a dispute with Puneet Agarwal from India
Google’s open support for Rs one crore domain ownership fraud of mhow monster ntro employee puneet and other ntro/raw employees since 2010, on a single woman domain investor may have inspired puneet agarwal
The brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh, vijay and other ntro/raw employees HATE the single woman domain investor, the btech 1993 ee classmate of the single woman, so in one of the greatest FINANCIAL FRAUDS, they are faking their relationship with the single woman who they have never contacted, and falsely claiming that they own her domains, paypal, bank account to get their real girlfriends like greedy gujju stockbroker asmita patel, indore robber bespectacled deepika who also do not spend any money on domains, raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the single woman

The single woman domain investor is protesting loudly against the CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD which is causing great financial losses, and ruining her reputation, yet google is so ruthless in committing financial fraud on the single woman domain investor, that this financial, online fraud has continued since 2010, without being questioned at all

If the domain investor tries to start any thread on namepros or elsewhere regarding google’s domain ownership fraud, the thread is almost always deleted.

NTRO extremely aggressive in misleading forum owners to cover up its online fraud

Allegedly BRIBED by google, tata, NTRO has been openly involved in online fraud, stealing the data of indian paypal account holders, and making fake claims of computer work, in a clear case of labor law violations to get their girlfriends, relatives and associates raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any kind of computer work at all.
When the paypal account holder will protest on forums,NTRO is hacking the account and changing the password, to take over the forum account.

NTRO/raw/cbi extremely aggressive in closing the forum account of those who expose their financial, time, computer work fraud

Though some people make money posting on forums, in India, forum posting is highly regulated due to high levels of CORRUPTION, FINANCIAL FRAUD
Though raw/cbi are hiring and paying monthly salaries to CALL GIRLS, COOKING, CLEANING, CHEATER, ROBBER housewives and other frauds who are least interested in doing any computer work, sitting in front of their computer, they are extremely aggressive in falsely claiming that their lazy greedy employees own the paypal, bank account of private citizens, who are actually doing the computer work daily.
When the private citizen who is actually doing the computer work will complain about the fraud of indian government agencies, the forum account will be closed.